Provide labor for the growing demand for sex dolls

 About a few years ago, at the age of 24 or 25, friends and women around me began to marry and have children, and the voice of "getting married before 30" often appeared. In particular, although I have considered whether or not to have children, I have been hesitant because I want to focus on my studies. I think "pregnancy" is a major event that affects life, so the idea of creating this theme was born. When a man has sex with an WM Dolls in bed, it feels like he is with a real girl. This is why sex with these dolls is one of the favorite activities of many men around the world.

"The sons have their own lives, and I have their own lives, but when they leave after the funeral, I feel very lonely. Of course, I have my friends and work to keep me busy, but when I go home every night, There is no one in the house." Steven Shubin, the inventor of "Flwww.hiasu.comhlight", was involved in the field of synthetic dolls as early as 1995. As a creative and highly technical person, he once applied for a patent for a mannequin filled with oily elastomer.

Later, he applied for a patent for one of his inventions in 1996, which was eventually named "Flwww.hiasu.comhlight". Artificial intelligence sex dolls So, what do we expect for highend sex dolls in the future? When we think about various possibilities, we will find that in the next 5 years, manufacturers will eventually design sex dolls with artificial intelligence. The possibilities are endless. Artificial intelligence provides various functions through machine learning and algorithm programming.

Gaskell - 150CM B-cup Charming Wheat-colored Skin TPE Sex Doll

They are designed to recognize and respond to dialogue commands in real life. Large domestic brands have more than 100 fulltime employees, and are working hard to expand to absorb more employees and provide labor for the growing demand for cheap sex dolls. Intimacy is one of the important elements in human life. Their absence can make people feel depressed, stressed, and lonely.

Therefore, the concept of realistic dolls was introduced and brought joy to many people. This is real! Most of the customers of Aiwawa are men. This does not mean that the customer base is not diverse. The users of these dolls are all over the world, and they vary greatly in sexual preference, income, occupation, and other factors. There are many reasons why gay men buy female sex dolls, but the most common one is pleasure.

A gay man buys a realistic tpe sex doll to get a higher pleasure than simply masturbating himself. So, asked, who invented the inflatable doll and the sex doll? Earlier related records appeared in France. For example, the French magazine "Sex Life in Our Time" in 1908 mentioned sex dolls made of rubber and plastic, and even ejaculation can be imitated through clever design.



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